New Image International:The productivity factor

The productivity factor


Master the productivity quotient and maximise your achievements. Once learned, you will never look back

    Each and every day you have choices to make that determine if you are either productive or unproductive. At the end of each day, ask yourself two questions:

  1. 1. Was I productive today?

  2. 2. How could I have been more productive?

If you think about it, all we have to do every day, is choose what to do with the time that is given to us. That's it! As network marketers, we choose to do things that are productive, or we choose to do things that are unproductive.

If we have a strategy to focus on relationship and business building, we've chosen "productivity". But if we choose instead to go play around with social media, drift along, or be distracted then we've chosen to be "unproductive".

    At the end of today, just ask yourself the two questions:

  1. 1. Was I productive today?

  2. 2. How could I have been more productive?

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