New Image International:News addiction is a time sucker!

News addiction is a time sucker!

Global newsJune12

Because of the internet and the smart phone, we have access to massive amounts of news at any second of the day. News is extremely addictive, just like social media. Bad news is more addictive than good news because the brain is hardwired to seek negativity. News addiction is linked to both poor mental well-being and poor physical health. People who obsessively check the news are much more likely to have stress, anxiety, and physical ill health.

News is important, and I believe we should know what’s going on locally, nationally, and international. So don’t cut news out of your life. But be aware of the fact that accessing the news is very addictive. As the title says, news addiction is a “time sucker”. It's a time sucker because it sucks away your time

News addiction (like social media addiction) is bad because it distracts us from the more important and productive things we’re supposed to be doing. Each minute a network marketer is checking the news (or their social media) they could instead be filling their recruiting pipeline and building their business.

The key to accessing the news is moderation. For example, give yourself two 10-minute “access the news” sessions each day, one in the morning, and one in the evening. Bookmark several of your favorite news sites, and quickly go from one news web site to the other. Scroll through the home page, read the headlines, and only read those articles in which that news pertains to you. Avoid the frivolous, gossipy, negative news as it’s all just a massive time-sucker.

Keep in mind that the news web sites and apps (just like social media web sites and apps) are designed to KEEP YOU ON THAT SITE OR IN THAT APP. They are strategically designed to cause dopamine (the pleasure chemical) to secrete in your brain.

Bottom line is too much news will distract you from doing important and productive things. Too much news will negatively affect your mental and physical health. Set a defined time limit for how much time you spend accessing the news, then use that extra time to build your business. You can access the news all you want after you’re making the big five-figure monthly commission checks.


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