New Image International:Leading Scientists Have Discovered Naturally Occurring Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

Leading Scientists Have Discovered Naturally Occurring Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

Global newsJuly02

Leading Scientists Have Discovered Naturally Occurring Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Powerful Benefits With Zero Side Effects. This is AMAZING stuff. Here’s what they discovered...

A group of top scientists spent years trying to find a natural source of human growth factors. They wanted to find a substance that had the "age freezing" benefits of HGH without all of the synthetic side effects.

Their research paid off.

They Found A Rare Substance Named Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum That Contains 13 Human Growth Factors, Unlike Any Other Substance On Earth.

This was a HUGE discovery.

Here is specifically what they found.

Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum is the nutrient dense membrane that grows on the antlers of mammals, namely Red Deer. They are silky smooth skin filled with blood vessels for delivering vitamins and minerals to the deer.

But, that is NOT all.

The Velvet is also PACKED with a HUGE AMOUNT of naturally occurring growth hormones along with other IGF-1 and other essential growth factors, 13 in total to be exact.

Harvesting this velvet is perfectly humane, too.

Since antlers on deer grow so quickly, the growth factor rich membrane just falls off after the yearly growth cycle, leaving the velvet by itself, waiting for extraction.

The velvet is NEVER taken directly from a deer, living or dead.

Once velvet is collected, it can be freeze-dried for growth factor extraction.

It has been proven these growth factors are the EXACT SAME as produced in the human body.

In A Nutshell, These Scientists Discovered Naturally Occurring HGH That Can Provide Incredible Human Benefit

All Without Needles or Side Effects

What they specifically found was a natural source of IGF-1, which stands for "Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1".

Here Is How Naturally Occurring IGF-1 Relates to HGH

When you take HGH the human growth hormone only stays active in your system for roughly a minute. Its SOLE job is to stimulate the production and release of IGF-1 all throughout the body.

IGF-1 Is The Actual Compound That Provides ALL Of The Anti-Aging Benefits That We Love About HGH

Sadly, IGF-1 is also a compound that dwindles as you age (more on that below).

So, what I am revealing today is a "natural shortcut" DIRECTLY to the substantial anti-aging benefits of HGH. With a daily dose of natural IGF-1, your body no longer needs artificial HGH.

After today...

You no longer need to use synthetic HGH to stimulate IGF 1, your body can begin to rebuild a younger version with naturally occurring IGF 1.

Everything is explained below.

And this natural innovation is already helping thousands look and feel decades younger (as you are reading this).

Thousands Of Aging Americans Are Reclaiming Their Prime Of Life Due To Powerful And Rare Naturally Occurring IGF-1

All without painful stomach shots, huge costs and terrible side effects.

But let me explain exactly how it works.

This Is Why You Feel Old

Sadly, Your Natural HGH Production Drastically Declines With Age...

Why? Well, HGH is the driver of growth when we are growing up and younger.

Clearly, once we are full grown, production slows naturally. If we have unhealthy habits (which most of us do in some form) production slows EVEN faster.

... And as your HGH production declines with age, the less IGF 1 you have in your body.

In a simple way, think of IGF-1 as your internal tissue healer, renewing and restoring your aging tissues.

Sadly, Your Natural IGF-1 Levels Drop Drastically As You Age, Starting The Tissue "Breakdown" Process, Also Known As "Aging".

This actually explains a lot. I'm sure you would agree, you healed much more efficiently at a younger age.

Over time, your ability to heal has slowed down. This is DIRECTLY related to the decline of HGH and subsequently FALLING IGF 1 levels as well as your other growth factors.

IGF-1 keeps your body young and strong, however, their levels fade drastically with age. According to research, you see your first big IGF-1 decline at 30. By 40 you finally start to feel "old" as you don't bounce back as quickly. By 50, "age" has really started to set in. At 60, the reality of "getting older" hits you as you are no longer able to do the things you love. Then at 70 and above - well - most people concede they are too old to enjoy the active things in life.

Your body has shrunk into a state you normally don’t recognize with broken-down cellular function and inability to repair.

Now, you may see this as normal, just "getting old".

You NO LONGER heal and regenerate like you used to regenerate, leaving you looking and feeling old and in pain.

Here is the cold hard truth.

The support of natural growth factors is the KEY to staying young, which is why synthetic HGH use has been called the HOLY GRAIL of anti-aging. It is also why its a banned performance enhancer, it really does give your body an edge over natural aging, reversing the "break down process".

So, Imagine What Would Happen If Your IGF-1 Levels Were Fully Optimized, Like You Were 20 Years Old Again?

Based on this research, the results would be powerful, right? In many cases, life changing.

Well, let me break down what happens to an aging body that is enhanced with natural IGF-1.

Scientifically, here is exactly what happens.

You Grow Younger By The Day...

Here is How Natural IGF-1 Rebuilds A Younger You

According to the latest science, IGF 1 is what powers ALL of your cells, body-wide, to fire back to life and begin to grow and rebuild. This ENHANCED cell level healing is what allows incredible anti-aging benefits.

Additionally, naturally extracted IGF 1 is ALREADY BIO AVAILABLE in the form of IGF 1, so when it absorbs into your body, it is READY TO GO without any need for conversion (like seen in HGH). Plus, this natural compound INCREASES your FREE IGF 1 stores without shutting down normal production. In fact, you will be able to supercharge your IGF 1 Levels in just days. Within weeks they will be at "Prime of Life" Levels And the effects ONLY get more powerful, the longer they are supported.

This means you virtually get "younger" and "younger" by the day. The longer IGF 1 levels are optimized, the more benefit you will see. For you, this will be like “rewinding” your internal clock age clock.

Instead Of Growing Older, You Will Be Biologically Growing Younger Which Is Why HGH Is The MOST Popular And Effective Anti-Aging Therapy Of Our Time.

... And now you can get those tremendous benefits without side effects.

Naturally occurring growth factors are natural and not compromised by artificial chemicals.

Additionally, the benefits go far past JUST IGF-1. Based on the extracted natural source (which I will reveal below), it also contains 13 other IMPORTANT human growth factors.

You will NOT only benefit from IGF 1, but also IGF 2, and a host of naturally occurring growth compounds.

So... is natural IGF-1 more powerful than synthetic HGH?

Let's review...

Which Is More Effective?

Synthetic HGH Vs Naturally Occurring IGF-1

Now, this is probably the biggest question I get...

What exactly is the difference between synthetic HGH and naturally occurring IGF-1.

I will explain it all in this section.

First, let's address the wildly popular synthetic HGH. Synthetic HGH itself is a chemical compound artificially made in a laboratory by pharmaceutical companies. It is a "prescription only" compound that can ONLY be prescribed by a doctor, making it very expensive. It needs to be injected once or twice daily (in the stomach) using an insulin syringe. Once injected it stays active for roughly a minute.

Then it starts to "disperse" in the body.

Essentially, the job of synthetic HGH is to stimulate the liver to create IGF-1. This means, once HGH does its job, IGF 1 is actually the compound that stimulates the benefits that we call "anti-aging".

There is a problem with this.

The rise of synthetic HGH use has led to a host of lawsuits from patients who have seen bad side effects including liver and kidney damage, uncontrolled diabetes, increased body odor, carpal tunnel syndrome, bone pain and stiffness, increased water retention, muscle and joint pain, joint swelling, and more.

On the other hand...

Here is how naturally occurring IGF-1 is different.

Based on what scientists found, naturally occurring IGF-1 is absorbed by your body in its already usable state. This means, there is no need to convert it into IGF 1 and it is already bioavailable.

Here is how the benefits stack up.

First, here is how you can tell if natural IGF 1 is working for you. When the body is absorbing IGF 1 your skin will begin to look and feel different.

Like you did 10 or 20 years ago. The reason? IGF 1 naturally stimulates collagen production (giving skin a youthful appearance). Then, you will feel stronger, like you did years ago. This is how IGF 1 rebuilds your strength and lean muscle mass. You will also feel less pain in your joints. Finally, IGF 1 goes to work at a cellular level, repairing DNA.

So, instead of getting older you will start getting younger. Finally, there is a solution to re-growing youthful hair, improving eyesight, reducing age spots, strengthening bones, and maintaining youthful energy.

So, you know you will get results, here is how to use natural IGF 1, based on 25 years of research.

Taking natural IGF-1 is SIMPLE.

Based on what scientists found, it only takes 5 drops, held under the tongue for roughly 1-2 minutes.

This gives the growth factors direct access to your body and almost instantly begins to work. Once held for 2 minutes, simply swallow. Then, IGF 1 goes to work at a cellular level.


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